Hi, I'm Mirko!

I am a computer scientist living in Italy and working as a freelance software engineer.


I have 15 years of experience in working on web-application solutions mainly using Java, Go and Vuejs.

I have been collaborating with private companies and research centers on:

As a full-remote self-employed software engineer I try to help startups and IT companies to develop their digital products and I support them into every development activity that can not be managed internally.

Drop me an email if you are interested to discuss about a project info AT owlcode DOT it.

Free Software

I love Free software for the possibility to collaborate with other people and create something usable for everybody.

I am trying to share what I have learnt during my days on dev.to and on my tech blog.

Own Projects

  • Resting: a browser extension to work with HTTP APIs. Implemented in Vue.js/Knockout.js.
  • ts-converter: a browser extension to convert timestamps in human readable dates. Implemented using Elm.
  • Enigma: an enigma machine emulator. Implemented in Go.

See more on my Github profile.


Former maintainer of the Java track on Java track of exercism.

Currently I enjoy helping on projects I daily use for work or personal purposes.
